Category Archives: Fuel System

Diesel Maintenance for NE

At Twin City Auto we hear from a lot of people who are excited about the new diesel engines that will soon be available in passenger cars and SUV's. But our NE friends are often curious about the preventive maintenance requirements. People may not know that diesel engines have long been used extensively in Europe and Asia. In fact, in some markets, there're nearly as many diesel powered passenger cars as there are gasoline.Here's who's announced or is expected to announce new diesels for North America: BMW, Mercedes, Audi, Volkswagen, Nissan, Honda, Toyota, Hyundai and Subaru. Of course, the US auto makers will be expanding their diesel offerings as well. Diesels will become a very big deal here in NE.You may ask, why has it taken so long getting to NE and North America? There are a bunch of reasons like fuel tax policies and such, but the biggest hurtle was that NE diesel fuel had a high sulfur content – too high for the latest generation of highly refined diesel engines. Recen ... read more


Fuel System

Clean Fuel ? Clean Performance for Scottsbluff Drivers

Fuel filters clean the dirt, dust and debris out of your fuel. Both gasoline and diesel-powered engines have them. The fuel filter is located in the fuel line between the fuel tank and the vehicle engine.Scottsbluff auto owners don't need to filter their fuel because it has lots of grit in it; they need to filter it because it has some grit it in. Any dirt is bad for your engine. The cleaner the fuel, the better your vehicle engine will run.Over time, the small amounts of rust, dirt and contaminants in your fuel settle out inside the fuel tank. After about five years, this can amount to a quite a bit of sediment. This means that as your vehicle ages, your fuel filter has to work harder to screen your fuel: more sediment in your tank means more potential for grit in your fuel.The harder your fuel filter works, the more often it needs to be replaced. Check with your owner's manual to find out how often it should be serviced and how long you can expect it to last. S ... read more


Fuel System

Twin City Auto: Good Service and Good Fuel Economy

Most Scottsbluff auto owners want to save on gas and seek our advice on improving economy. At Twin City Auto, we are frequently asked, however, if it is really worth the extra effort. Just how much money can Scottsbluff drivers actually save?In today's Twin City Auto article, we're focusing on the things you can do to improve your vehicle’s economydriving around NE. We'll tell you the potential savings per gallon of gas at $3.50, and we'll show a chart that also shows the savings at $3.00 and $4.00.   DOLLARS PER GALLON $3.00 / $3.50 / $4.00 TUNE UP 4%.12.14.16 The next item is replacing a clogged engine air filter. Your engine needs enough air to burn fuel efficiently for the best mileage. A clean air filter means you get plenty of air. The fact that the air's clean protects your engine. That can save you up to 10 percent or 35 cents a gallon.   DOLLARS PER GALLON$3.00 / $3 ... read more


Fuel System

Fuel System Cleaning the Professional Way at Twin City Auto

Your fuel system needs to be clean to do its job properly. When it gets dirty, the results are lower engine performance, reduced fuel economy and impaired safety. It can even lead to costly repair bills for Scottsbluff drivers. So keep your fuel system clean as part of your routine preventive maintenance.Fuel injectors have replaced carburetors in most of today's vehicles. These injectors deliver better fuel economy than a carburetor, but they can be compromised by rust, dirt and other contaminants. They need to be clean to maintain the correct pressure, spray pattern and volume of delivered fuel so that the vehicle engine can run at peak efficiency.There are products on the market that Scottsbluff vehicle owners can add to their gas tank that will help keep your fuel injectors clean. These products will keep a clean fuel system clean but have trouble cleaning a system that has already gotten gummed up.If your fuel system needs a major cleaning, Twin City Auto can help ... read more


Fuel System

Fuel System Cleaning at Twin City Auto for Better Performance

Hi Scottsbluff residents. Let's talk fuel injectors. A fuel injector is a valve that delivers fuel to a vehicle's engine. It has to deliver the precise amount of fuel to precisely the right place, precisely when the engine needs it. The fuel also has to be mixed with air before it can burn in the engine.Fuel injectors are engineered to spray fuel in a specific pattern into the engine. (The pattern varies by engine type and design.) In order to achieve these spray patterns, the fuel must be pressurized.Vehicles have one fuel injector for each cylinder in the engine. Your vehicle's control computer constantly monitors the engine and various sensors in the vehicle.  It also adjusts the fuel injectors accordingly so that they can deliver the proper amount of fuel to the engine. As you can see, fuel injectors are a sophisticated and vital part of your vehicle's engine. Because fuel injectors are such precision instruments, dirt and contaminants are a serious detr ... read more


Fuel System

Deep Clean Your Fuel System at Twin City Auto

Having trouble with your fuel system? Bring your vehicle into Twin City Auto for a check up.In today's Twin City Auto auto post,we're talking about fuel system cleaning. The first thing to know is how important it is to have a clean fuel system. Scottsbluff residents need fuel to go, and the cleaner the fuel system, the more efficiently the fuel will burn. That means more power and better mileage .A clean fuel system saves money for Scottsbluff drivers at NE gas stations. We guess you could say it all starts and ends at the pump. One of the most important things Scottsbluff residents can do to keep their vehicle fuel system clean is to buy good quality gas. Major brands have detergents that keep gum and varnish from rapidly building up in the fuel system.So buying cheaper gas in NE can actually be more expensive for Scottsbluff drivers in the long run. Now, most cars on NE roads are more than five or six years old. That means they've had time for some dirt and rus ... read more


Fuel System

The Twin City Auto Guide to Saving Fuel: Beware of Myths

There's a lot of auto advice in NE right now on how to save money on gas. Some of it is good advice. Some of it isn't. Some of it is myth. And it may well be a scam. Plain and simple. When someone offers you a product designed to save money on gas, ask yourself, “Does this sound too good to be true?” If the answer is yes, do more research.The internet offers us a convenient and quick way to research someone's claims about gas savings. Scottsbluff drivers can usually find out in only minutes whether that claim is questionable or not.Chances are other Scottsbluff drivers have already tried what you're being offered. If you find evidence that others feel they have been scammed, you should be wary of becoming the next victim. There aren't any pills, magic or otherwise, that you can drop into your gas tank to improve your gas mileage. Drop in enough of those pills and you can actually harm your vehicle. The last thing you need is a bun ... read more


Fuel System

How to Get Better Gas Mileage in Scottsbluff

There is no escaping it: things work better when you take care of them. Something most of us in Scottsbluff can relate to is our computers. You've probably noticed how they get slower and slower over time. It takes longer to start up and programs take forever to load. Eventually, many of us just get a new computer at our nearest Scottsbluff computer store. But computer experts know that there are things you can do to delay the need for a new computer purchase. You can run utilities that clean off temporary files and clean your memory registry. You can optimize your hard drive and a number of other things.What you're doing is maintaining your computer to make it efficient. It's the same thing with your vehicle. You maintain it to make it more efficient. It works the way it was designed to and that means it uses less fuel while you drive around Scottsbluff. And you save money.To help organize our discussion, let's think of things that rob us of fuel economy ... read more


Fuel System

Fuel System Cleaning at Twin City Auto in Scottsbluff for Better Performance

A fuel injector is a valve that delivers fuel to a vehicle's engine. It has to deliver the precise amount of fuel to precisely the right place, precisely when the engine needs it. The fuel also has to be mixed with air before it can burn in the engine.Fuel injectors are engineered to spray fuel in a specific pattern into the engine. (The pattern varies by engine type and design.) In order to achieve these spray patterns, the fuel must be pressurized.The pressure in a fuel injection system varies depending on its type. Many gasoline engines use port injection systems, which operate with a pressure of 60 pounds per square inch. Newer direct injection systems operate at 10 to 30 times that pressure. Some diesel passenger vehicles have fuel injectors that operate at 30,000 pounds or more per square inch.Vehicles have one fuel injector for each cylinder in the engine. Your vehicle's control computer constantly monitors the engine and various sensors in the vehicle.  It ... read more


Fuel System

Keep It Flowing with a Fuel Filter Replacement at Twin City Auto

The function of the fuel filter is pretty self-explanatory. It filters your fuel. The fuel filter is in the fuel line somewhere in between the fuel tank and the engine. Both gas and diesel vehicles around Scottsbluff use fuel filters. For more information about your fuel filter, visit Twin City Auto at 1802 E Overland Suite #4 in Scottsbluff, NE 69361.Please call 308.635.7404 to make an appointment. Generally speaking there's not a lot of dirt in our Scottsbluff area auto fuel supply, but there is enough that you want to screen it out. The problem actually gets worse the older your vehicle becomes. That's because dirt, rust and other contaminants will settle out of the fuel and onto the bottom of the fuel tank. After your vehicle is five years or older, it can actually have a fair amount of sediment built up.That just means that the fuel filter has to work harder as your vehicle ages. It'll get clogged sooner and need to be replac ... read more


Fuel System